Automated Access Policy: HughesNet® Installation Portal

  1. Hughes must be informed of all automated systems/processes
    1. Point of Contacts (Email/Phone)
    2. Discussions with Hughes IT are encouraged
    3. You can use Installer Feedback (Installation Portal Issue), to initiate the discussions
    4. Hughes will need to know all the user accounts beginning automated
  2. Automated accounts must be requested separately from manual accounts, through same request mechanism
    1. Dealers go through their Distributors, not directly through Hughes
    2. Normally we add "-autoprocess" to end of account or "-auto{software name}" if multiple users are using 3rd party software
    3. XML access will only be given to these separate accounts
  3. XML WebServices must be used for ALL updates
    1. Only exception is Service Order Attachments, WebService to-be developed
    2. Do not send update posts to any other form! Example: FSO Closure, FSO View Service Order, FSO Service Order Activities, …
    3. There will be more notice on changes to WebServices (Possibly even supporting multiple versions for a short period of time)
    4. We’ll be adding more WebServices in the near future
  4. Read-only requests can be performed on any of the web pages.
    1. Example all the search pages support and XML output
    2. Most pages respond to both a Get and a Post
    3. Try to keep polling frequency more than 15 mins
    4. The website is constantly changing, to support business needs. Hughes will try to keep everyone informed of these changes
    5. Hughes doesn’t guarantee any 3rd party software will continue to work after changes.
  5. Session/Logins should be reused where possible, instead of login in collecting information then logging out.
    1. Authentication is a Heavy weight procedure
    2. There are protection mechanisms in place, to restrict too many logins
  6. Try to change the Browser Agent to indicate which Software is beginning used
Any violations of this policy may result in deactivation of Distributor/Dealer account(s)!
Any user account consuming too much system resources may also be deactivated.